There’s no denying it – time passing means we’re all (hopefully) getting older and wiser. And the more years go by, the more our body’s natural collagen – the protein that keeps skin plump, smooth and youthful – begins to deplete. So if you’re considering oral collagen powders as a proactive step to prevent skin ageing, maybe you’re wondering: Are there any side effects to these dietary supplements?

Before you start scooping collagen powder into your coffee or smoothie, here’s what our experts want you to know about the potential side effects.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that gives the human body structure. We make and store a lot of it ourselves – it’s an abundant protein in our bodies. The more we have the better, as it’s crucial for strengthening our skin, bone health, muscles, joint health, hair and nail growth, and connective tissues. Our experts like to describe it as the body’s scaffolding.

Unfortunately, we also lose more and more as we age. After our late twenties, the speed our bodies make new collagen gradually slows down every year, and the structural protein stores we have break down faster, too. Some people also notice that their skin ages if they drop a lot of weight quickly. (1)

Why Take Collagen Supplements For Skin?

Oral collagen powder is a nutritional supplement. Studies have shown that taking the powdered form of collagen peptides could offer healthy skin benefits. Positive effects include improvements to the skin’s elasticity, hydration and its smoothness. (2)

Oral collagen supplementation may also boost collagen production by supporting cells in your body called fibroblasts. So far, some dermatology experts believe oral collagen supplements may stimulate these fibroblasts to produce more collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid helps our cells hold on to essential moisture, keeping your skin barrier functioning healthily. It’s also the key ingredient in Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid + Vit B5 Serum. Elastin is what – as its name suggests – keeps your skin elastic. (3)

Side Effects Of Collagen Supplements

Potential side effects of collagen powders are rare. Most tests have not recorded any adverse effects like irritation, skin health issues, allergies or major side effects from collagen or collagen peptides.

No clinical study so far has reported any vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea or constipation, so the chances of this happening are small. These collagen side effects include people who were given a high dose.

If you’re on a vegan diet, you should know that most collagen supplements are made from animal sources like cattle, fish, pork and chicken. However, there are vegan collagen options available.

Heavy metals and toxins can collect in some animal bones, so always buy your collagen from a brand that you trust and make sure your collagen intake doesn’t exceed the recommended dose. (4)

Depending on the manufacturer, some collagen products may taste bad, or have a strange aftertaste. You may want to check the product reviews to make sure people who tried it enjoyed the flavour.

There are several types of collagen supplements. If you’re going to try any, our experts at Dermatica recommend hydrolysed marine collagen peptides. Marine collagen peptides also have the lowest reported risk of side effects. (5)

If you notice any kind of reaction from taking collagen powder, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

When To Take Extra Precautions

If you have any of the conditions listed below, take extra care before trying oral collagen supplementation. You may want to ask your doctor or medical professional for more advice.


Some collagen products may contain eggs and shellfish. If you know you have allergies, look at the ingredients list carefully before you purchase. (6)

Regular Medical Conditions, Kidney Issues Or Gout

Collagen is a protein supplement. For some, excess protein can have a negative effect on their kidneys. So if you have issues now, or you have had them in the past, speak to your doctor to check if it’s right for you. (7)

If you’re prone to gout, eating too much protein could trigger a flare-up, too. We also advise checking with your doctor if collagen could interact with any regular medications you’re taking, particularly blood thinners or calcium. (8)

You Are Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

To date, there isn’t enough research to confirm whether collagen supplements are safe or beneficial while pregnant or breastfeeding. For your health and your baby’s, it’s safer to speak to your doctor first.

Should I Try Collagen To Prevent Skin Ageing?

We’re pleased to report that, according to studies, oral collagen is safe. Plus it may provide many potential anti-ageing benefits with few known side effects. But will these beneficial effects be as proven or preventative as moisturiser, daily sunscreen, retinoids like retinol and tretinoin, or Vitamin C? Not yet, so introduce these first.

Oral collagen supplementation also can’t quick-fix an unhealthy diet. But, if you want to prevent early signs of ageing, and you have none of the side effects or conditions mentioned above – all we’ll say is, starting it can’t hurt.

Find out what formulas are suitable for your skin by visiting our website.


1. Wu M, Crane JS. Biochemistry, Collagen Synthesis [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing; 2019. Available from:
2. Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, Karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging. Dermato-Endocrinology [Internet]. 2012 Jul 1;4(3):253–8. Available from:
3. Baumann L, Bernstein EF, Weiss AS, Bates D, Humphrey S, Silberberg M, et al. Clinical Relevance of Elastin in the Structure and Function of Skin. Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum [Internet]. 2021 May 14;3(3). Available from:
4. Al-Atif H. Collagen Supplements for Aging and Wrinkles: a Paradigm Shift in the Field of Dermatology and Cosmetics. Dermatology Practical & Conceptual [Internet]. 2022 Feb 2;12(1):e2022018. Available from:
5. Geahchan S, Baharlouei P, Rahman A. Marine Collagen: A Promising Biomaterial for Wound Healing, Skin Anti-Aging, and Bone Regeneration. Marine Drugs. 2022 Jan 10;20(1):61
6. Bolke L, Schlippe G, Gerß J, Voss W. A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study. Nutrients [Internet]. 2019 Oct 17;11(10):2494. Available from:
7. Ko GJ, Rhee CM, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Joshi S. The effects of high-protein diets on kidney health and longevity. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology [Internet]. 2020 Jul 15;31(8):ASN.2020010028. Available from:
8. Zhang Y, Chen S, Yuan M, Xu Y, Xu H. Gout and Diet: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms and Management. Nutrients [Internet]. 2022 Jan 1;14(17):3525. Available from: