Welcome back to Dermatica Skin Journeys, where we speak to members of the community about their experience with our personalised treatments.
This week, we’re chatting to Sakiko, who has kindly talked us through her skin concerns, go-to routine and journey with Dermatica so far.
Introduce yourself! What’s your name, age and location, and what gets you out of bed in the morning?
Hi, my name’s Sakiko! I’m 37 years old and from London. The thought of an early walk around the park is enough to get me up in the morning.
Please walk us through your skin journey before discovering Dermatica.
Before Dermatica, I’d been trying any and all skincare products that said they worked for acne, or specifically adult acne. Seriously, I tried them all, from high-end cosmetic brands to affordable drugstore ones — but none of them fundamentally changed anything! My skin texture would improve for what felt like a minute, but it didn’t significantly help my acne. I knew I needed something more than just a good skincare routine.
How do you feel when you look at your before and after pictures, and share them with others?
I feel amazing! Now, I want people who are going through the same experience as me to see these photos and the progress I’ve made.
When did you start seeing results with Dermatica?
I’d say I was around 3-4 weeks into treatment when I started seeing results. At that point, I could clearly feel and see an improvement in my skin.
What’s your current skincare routine?
My current routine is very basic! I use a cleanser, followed by toner, serum, and a moisturising cream. Then, 2–3 times a week, I add my Dermatica treatment into my evening routine.
What would you say to someone considering trying prescription skincare?
Please give it a go! Honestly, I really wish I’d tried it earlier — I definitely would’ve if I knew it worked this well. I’m very happy with my results so far. It’s more than just achieving physical results on the skin, you also feel so much better mentally when you see the progress you’re making.
What are your next skincare goals?
Since my adult acne has cleared up, my next skin health goal is evening my skin texture. Thanks to my Dermatica treatment, I’m already seeing improvements in this area, but I’d like to continue focusing on reducing my acne scars and enlarged pores. I’m already looking forward to seeing my progress!
What’s the best skincare advice you’ve ever received?
Easy. The best advice I’ve ever received is to try tretinoin for my acne. That’s how I found Dermatica!
And the worst?
Probably using toothpaste to cure my acne! Someone else also told me not to wash my face.
What did your skincare routine look like before Dermatica?
The main difference in my pre-Dermatica skincare routine was physical exfoliators, like scrubs. Since starting my personalised formula, I don’t need to use them. I didn’t realise at the time how much I was irritating my acne with harsh scrubs, and I’ve achieved better results with this treatment, anyway!
Want to share your skin journey with the Dermatica community? Join our Dermatica Facebook Community.
Dr Lynn Sydor
Dr. Lynn Sydor is a board-certified dermatologist with 30 years of experience in the field. Dr. Sydor is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, the Pacific Dermatologic Association, and the California Medical Association.